09 March 2008


Why do all relationships turn sour? Why is that things that are so rosy in the beginning die out in the later stages? Why is that the hope of things remaining good throughout just remains a hope? Why is so difficult to get out of the relationship when you know that it isn't working anymore? Why cant things change for the better?

You tried...I tried...it still does not make a difference...

You say I'm never there for you...I'm trying to make it different now...I ask for certain things so that we can be in a different place..Why do you think that I'm demanding?

I've given up on believing that true love really exists...There is no such thing as soulmate...There is no companionship...It's all a mirage


Munmun said...

I don't know if a soulmate really exists, but I can say relationships need constant re-work and some reasonable compromises. Most of us aren't mature enough to strike a balance of these two basic ingredients. Or probably we are too selfish and prefer to consider walking out of a relationship, especially when we know it is possible.

sodamncool said...


You are right M, compromises are definitely necessary...it jus SUX !!! You always think that things will be so much different and happier with someone..but at the end of it..it just seems that things are better of being alone...

Gentle Whispers said...

All relationships have good and patches. Need constant attention and work and despite the best of efforts, still likely to fizzle out.

It's happened to me. but somehow I still believe in love and I hope you start believing in it once more.

Btw, you're tagged!! feel free to take it up!!